Associate Professor
Creative Informatics Department
The University of Tokyo (Tokyo,Japan)
email: n.umetani [at] gmail.com
office: Room 506, I-REF Bldg. 1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, 113-0032, Tokyo

Learning Three-dimensional Flow for Interactive Aerodynamic Design
Nobuyuki Umetani, Bernd Bickel
ACM Transaction of Graphics (Siggraph 2018)
|Design and Development Today|
Institution of Mechanical Engineers|

Printone: Interactive Resonance Simulation for Free-form Print-wind Instrument Design
Nobuyuki Umetani, Athina Panotopoulou, Ryan Schmidt, Emily Whiting
ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGARPH Asia 2016)
|gizmodo |
3dpint.com |
New Atlas |
Nanowerk |
Crazy Engineers |
3ders |
Science Daily |
Fabbaloo |
MIPro |
Science Newsline|
all3dp |
Dexinger |
gfxspeak |
MicroFabricator |
3DVF |
3Druck |
MakersLove |
IDArts |
inplus |
3D imperial|

Motion Amplifiers: Sketching Dynamic Illustrations Using the Principles of 2D Animation
Rubaiat Habib, Tovi Grossman, Nobuyuki Umetani, George FitzmauriceCHI 2016 Conference proceedings

Meltables: Fabrication of Complex 3D Curves by Melting
Andrew O. Sageman-Furnas,Nobuyuki Umetani, Ryan Schmidt
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Technical Brief

Position-based Elastic Rod
Nobuyuki Umetani, Ryan Schmidt, Jos StamProc. SCA 2014
(Also SIGGRAPH 2014 Talk)
[Project Page] [

Branching Support Structures for 3D Printing
Ryan Schmidt, Nobuyuki UmetaniACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Talk

Guided Exploration of Physically Valid Shapes for Furniture Design (CACM Research Highlights)
Nobuyuki Umetani, Takeo Igarashi, Niloy J. MitraCommunications of the ACM

Pteromys: Interactive Design and Optimization of Free-formed Free-flight Model Airplanes
Nobuyuki Umetani, Yuki Koyama, Ryan Schdmit, Takeo Igarashi
ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2014)
[Project Page]
|New Scientist |
Golem.De |
Industry Tap |

Cross-sectional Structual Analysis for 3D Printing Optimization
Nobuyuki Umetani, Ryan SchmidtSIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Technical Brief
[Project Page] [

BodyAvatar: Creating 3-D Avatars with Your Body and Imagination
Yupeng Zhang, Teng Han, Zhimin Ren, Nobuyuki Umetani, Xin Tong, Yang Liu, Takaaki Shiratori, Xiang Cao.UIST 2013
[Project Page]

Interactive Design Exploration of Physically Valid Shapes
Nobuyuki UmetaniPhD Dissertation, The University of Tokyo, 2012

Guided Exploration of Physically Valid Shapes for Furniture Design
Nobuyuki Umetani, Takeo Igarashi, Niloy J. MitraACM Transaction on Gracphis (SIGGRAPH 2012)
[Project Page] [

Real-Time Example-Based Elastic Deformation
Yuki Koyama, Kenshi Takayama, Nobuyuki Umetani, Takeo IgarashiProc. SCA 2012
[Project Page]

A Kinematic Approach for Efficient and Robust Simulation of the Cardiac Beating Motion
Takashi Ijiri, Takashi Ashihara, Nobuyuki Umetani, Takeo Igarashi, Ryo Haraguchi, Hideo Yokota, and Kazuo NakazawaPLosOne
[Project Page]

Sketch-based Dynamic Illustration of Fluid Systems
Bo Zhu, Michiaki Iwata, Ryo Haraguchi, Takashi Ashihara, Nobuyuki Umetani, Takeo Igarashi, Kazuo NakazawaACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011)
[Project Page]

Designing Custommade Metallophone with Concurrent Eigenanalysis
Nobuyuki Umetani, Jun Mitani, Takeo Igarashi and Kenshi TakayamaNew Interfaces for Musical Expression++ (NIME++), Australia, 15-18th June, 2010

A Film Balloon Design System Integrated with Shell Element Simulation
Yohsuke FURUTA, Nobuyuki UMETANI, Jun MITANI, Takeo IGARASHI, and Yukio FUKUI,the 31st annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (EUROGRAPHICS 2010), short paper, May 3-7, 2010

A Multigrid-Based Shifted-Laplacian Preconditioner for a Fourth-Order Helmholtz Discretization
Nobuyuki Umetani, Scott Maclachlan, Kees Oosterlee
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,Volume 16, Issue 8, pp603-626,(2008)

The sinus of Valsalva relieves abnormal stress on aortic valve leaflets by facilitating smooth closure
Susumu Katayama, Nobuyuki Umetani, Seiryo Sugiura, and Toshiaki HisadaThe Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, vol.136, no.6, pp.1528-1535,(2008)

- Jul. 2018: I join the faculty of the University of Tokyo as a project lecturer
- Mar. 2018: One paper is accepted to Siggraph 2018 Technical Paer program!
- Feb. 2018: I will serve on the IPC of the SCA 2018
- Sept. 2017: One paper is accepted to Siggraph Asia Technical Brief program
- Apr. 2017: I will serve on the IPC of WSCG and CAD/Graphics 2017 [link], [link]
- Mar. 2017: I will serve on the IPC of SCA 2017 [link]
- Mar. 2017: I will give a guest lecture in the University of Toronto [Link][slides]
- Feb. 2017: I will join 2017 Bellairs Workshop on Computer Animation [link]
Invited Talks
(selected)- “Simulation-guided Interactive Exploration of Functional Design”, September 2016, Host: Stelian Coros: VASC Seminar at Carngie Mellon University
- “Simulation-guided Interactive Exploration of Functional Design”, May 2016, Host: Paul Kry
- “Simulation-guided Interactive Exploration of Functional Design” October 2015
Host: Kun Xu, Pacific Graphics 2015 Invited Talk
- “Simulation-Guided Creation: Interactive Simulation to Animate and Fabricate your Own Idea”, June 2015, Host: Marie-Paule Cani:“Expressive modeling : New advances towards the seamless creation of 3D content”
- “Interactive Design of Functional Shapes”, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, September 2014, Host: Dagstuhl Seminar: "Computational Aspects of Fabrication"
- "Interactive Authoring for Designing Physically Valid Shapes”, University of Manitoba, May 2013, Host: Jim Young
- “Interactive Exploration of Physically Valid Shapes”, Disney Research Zurich, February 2013, Host: Bernd Bickel
- "Integration of Design, Simulation and Interaction”, Max Planck Institute Infomatik, October 2011, Host: Michael Wand
- “Interactive integration of design and real-time simulation”, New York University, September 2010 Host: Kenshi Takayama
Talk Pictures
(selected)Book Chapters
Maker Event

Short Bio
I finished my Ph.D. in September 2012 under the supervision of Prof. Takeo Igarashi. Currently, I am a research scientist at Autodesk Research. Before that, I worked for Autodesk Research in Toronto (with Ryan Schmidt) and Disney Research Zuich (with Bernd Bickel) as a post doc for one year each. When I was a master's student, I visited the applied mathematic department in TU Delft (Netherland) and worked with Prof. Kees Oosterlee and Prof. Scott MacLachlan. After started my Ph.D, I visited Columbia University in New York and work with Danny Kaufman and Prof. Eitan Grinspun. in another research visit in my Ph.D, I collaborated with Prof. Niloy Mitra at the University Collage London. In addition, I won a fellowship and an internship at Microsoft Research Asia (working with Weiwei Xu and Xin Tong) in February 2012.
Research Interest
I am interested in computer graphics, interactive design interface and mechanical engineering, especially:
- Integrated design, simulation and interaction
- Interactive simulation
- Fabrication
- Finite element methods
- Machine learning for 3D geometry
- Data-driven physics modeling
- Biomechanical simulation
- University of Toronto Geometry Processing (guest lecture on 3D Printing), Winter 2017
- University of Toronto Computer Graphics (guest lecture), Fall
Program Committees:
- EuroGraphics short paper(2017)
- CASA(2017)
- Pacific Graphics(2015,2016)
- Symposium on Computer Animation(2016,2017)
- CAD/Graphics(2017)
- WSCG(2017)
- ACM SIGGRAPH Technical Paper (2015)
- ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA Brief and Poster (2015)
Technical Paper Reviewer:
- ACM SIGGRAPH (2012-2017)
- ACM SIGGRAPH Course (2014)
- ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA (2011-2016)
- Eurographics (2012-2016)
- Pacific Graphics (2014-2016)
- UIST (2015,2016)
- CHI (2015)
- 3DUI (2014)
- ACM Transaction on Graphics(2015)
- Computer Graphics Forum (2015)
- Computer-Aided Design (2015)
- IEEE TVCG (2014)
- IEICE (2014)
Ph.D., Computer Science (Oct.2009–Sept.2012)
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Thesis: Interactive Design Exploration of Physically Valid Shapes
Adviser: Takeo Igarashi

M.S., Frontier Science (Apr.2006–Sept.2009)
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Thesis: Coupling analysis of skeletal muscles and skeletal system using Lagrange multiplier
Adviser: Toshiaki Hisada

B.S., Mechanical Engineering (Apr.2002–Mar.2006)
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Thesis: Analysis of open and close phase of heart valve by changing connectivity in time step
Adviser: Toshiaki Hisada

Project Lecturer (July 2018 - present)
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Research Scientist (March 2015-June 2018)
Autodesk Research, Toronto, Canada

Postdoctoral Researcher (March 2014-February 2015)
Disney Research Zürich, Switzerland

Project Researcher (December 2013-Februrary 2014)
The University of Tokyo/JST ERATO, Japan

Fix-term Research Scientist (November 2012-November 2013)
Autodesk Research, Toronto, Canada

Internship Researcher (February 2012-May 2012)
Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
Supervisor: Dr. Weiwei Xu

Research Fellow (April 2010-October 2012)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Research Assistant (2008 - 2010)
JST ERATO Igarashi Design Interface Project, Japan
Supervisor: Dr. Takeo Igarashi

Chief Developer (2008)
Information – technology Promotion Agency (IPA) Exploratory Software Project, Japan
Supervisor: Dr. Ikuo Takeuchi

Academic Visits
Computer Science Department,
University College London, UK (August2011-November-2011)
Mentor: Niloy J. Mitra

Columbia Computer Graphics Group, Computer Science Department,
Columbia University, USA (April 2010-March 2011)
Mentor: Eitan Grinspun

Numerical Analysis Group, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (April 2007-March 2008)
Mentor: Kees Oosterlee